Does Construction really care about Social Value?  

Social Value

Post Written by Neil Jones

With the huge impact on our economy, due to Covid-19 where is the funding going to come for our local sports clubs?

These clubs are supported by local business sponsorship, but with the economy on its knees are these clubs going to be able to survive?

Even the smallest sports clubs and ventures have bills to pay, the model of UK sport in a Covid-19 world leaves these firms without the donations, membership fees and spectator ticket sales on which they rely. There is also evidence that volunteers, the lifeblood of the grassroots, are more likely to be in older age groups, who are also more affected by the Covid-19 virus.

When tendering for work in the construction industry we are often asked about our social value score. But do contractors really care about our social value score? Is it just a tick box exercise or for consideration rather than weighted scores, like price or service when tendering?

An article from asks the question:

Is social value frequently a factor in procurement processes you are involved with?

social aspects of business

Read more here.

SmartWatch are proud sponsors of the under 11’s at Stanningley Rugby Club in Leeds. We see a true social value in helping a local sports club which needs our sponsorship even when times are hard. These are local children and our future, so we must do what we can to support them.

Nick Norfolk the Club Administrator wrote “I would like to thank Smartwatch Solutions for the offer of sponsorship for the Stanningley Under 11’s team for the 2021 season.

As you will be aware, running an amateur organisation with 17 teams is a big drain on resources, even more so in this current year and we are always grateful for the help of local businesses in our aim of bringing sport to the local community and hopefully continuing to provide Super League players of the future.

Once again thank you and we wish you continued success with your business”.

It is important that the construction industry continues to push its supply chain to increase their social value score, not just for a tick box exercise, but to ensure the supply chain it uses provides lasting benefits to local businesses, clubs and people.


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